Français Pointe Claire Curling Club Member Login

Welcome to the Pointe Claire Curling Club
The Pointe Claire Curling Club is proud of its history and its place in the community, and offers its members a rewarding sporting experience that is suitable for every age group and range of experience. For the novice to skilled, from ages 7 to 107, our club provides a lively and engaging atmosphere that is welcoming to all, and allows members to enjoy a season of enriching sport and social activity – to any degree of involvement they prefer.


Open House
September 28, 11 am to 4 pm

About Our Club

PCCC Offers a Wide Variety of Curling Leagues

  "I find the PCCC has so much camaraderie between members, even knowing that you will then be competing against them in a different league within a few days. With the organization of the open house, on-site equipment sales day, bonspiels, leagues and events, the members, conveners and volunteers, PCCC really is the Best Curling Club in Quebec." - A satisfied member

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